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our TreatiPets

image of Audra and her pets

Audra Treatipet

Audra Mattson is one of our Treatibles team members! She cares deeply about pet care and helps us share our story with you. We are incredibly happy to have her, she brings great energy to Treatibles. One of the things that we love about Audra is her love for her cats Heifer, Katniss, and Luna,

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Treatibles + Pets = TreatiPets

Treatibles headquarters is not your average office. Bring your pet to work day is every day!!

While a fluffy lovefest is common around here, TreatiPets are considered part of the staff and have responsibilities, like greeting the delivery people, taste testing products, alerting us to changes in the weather, acting as stress reducers, offering entertainment, licking faces, making people get up and walk, distributing fur and so much more!

Of course, some TreatiPets are happier at home and work remotely. Their influence is just as important!

We want to share the love! Get to know Each TreatiPet and the special story of how they became part of the Treatibles family.

image of a man and his 2 dogs

Alex, Gigi and Belvedere 

Meet Our TreatiPets: Alex (Treatibles Brand Ambassador) Gigi and Belvedere      Alex is a Treatibles brand ambassador who adores his two dogs, Gigi and Belvedere. Belvedere

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image of mac and ozzy

Mac + Ozzy

Mac and his family love Ozzy (Ozzy Pawsborne “The prince of barkness”). He certainly keeps the family on their toes. Ozzy was given to the

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Jack the adorable corgi and his mama Jessica smile for the camera

Jessica + Jack

Jessica’s heart needed healing. She was grieving the passing of her soul dog Pepper, a rescue Pit Bull mix. With so much love to give,

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Leo the cat and Joe his pet parent A

Leo + Joe

Six years ago Joe’s two daughters came home with a tiny six week old kitten. They explained that a friend’s cat had kittens and this one,

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The story of stray pup Delilah and her Treatipet mom Julianna

Delilah + Julianna

After relocating from California to Nashville, Tennessee 10 months prior, Julianna was ready to adopt a fur baby. She had already fallen in love with

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Emma + Jodi

When Emma and Jodi met, it was love at first sight. “My cat Kayla passed away three months before and my other cat was getting

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