Before you start searching the web or try the first pet sitter you see online, we want to give you a few things to think about prior to dropping your pet off with them or have them stay in your home. Yes, some pet sitters will stay at your house.
Here are our tips for how to find a good pet sitter:
1. Stretch Your Budget: Having a pet is expensive at times. From good food, vet visits, and overall pet care. Of course, you can find an inexpensive pet sitter, a friend, or a family member. But if this is not an option for you. Your decision cannot come down to low costs. You cannot expect an a la carte experience and pay very little. Being away from you will be difficult for your pet. Therefore, you need to invest in a pet sitter service that will treat them as well as you do. This may require you to spend a little more than you expect.
2. Word Of Mouth: Join a pet group! The best way to get an honest review is from other pet owners. A pet sitter that has good reviews is worth trying. You can also ask another pet owner in your group about their experience. You may even get a discount on your first visit since some pet sitters or boarders offer referral discounts. They understand the value of word of mouth.
3. Trial Run: Some people prefer to have a pet sitter come to their home. Does your pet have anxiety or other health conditions? It is not a good idea to disrupt their environment or routine. A trial will help you calm your nerves and get your pet and pet sitter acquainted. Keep in mind, for a pet with behavioral issues or aggression. It is not a good idea to have someone they are not familiar with stay in your home. Invite your pet sitter over on a Saturday afternoon, spend some time with them and your pet, then leave for a few hours. You can do this a few times so your pet can get used to the pet sitter being in your home with them. We know it is a bit of a process, but in the long run, it is safer for the pet sitter who will need to learn about your pet’s temperament.
4. Local Pet Store: Some local pet stores offer boarding or pet sitter services. A pet store is a great place to start since they will most likely have a list of pet sitters in their neighborhood.