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Treatibles #1 Hemp derived oil for pets

Harmony for the whole family ®

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Pet Skincare: Winter Skin Blues

Black dog face covered in snow
You are not the only one singing the winter skin blues. Like many of us during the winter months, you have spent hours online, most likely getting tips from skincare aficionados on YouTube, to help you find a product to soothe your skin. As you know, as the seasons change, so do our skincare needs. Perhaps it is a lighter moisturizer or serum in the summer and rich cream and cleanser in the winter. Just like you, your pet has the same concerns. Unfortunately, they do not have access to YouTube nor can they walk into the pet store and pick up a nourishing hypoallergenic body wash. So it is up to you to help your furry friend through seasonal skincare needs.

Dry skin can impact your pet for various reasons. This ranges from food allergies, weather conditions, and pet care products. Of course, every little scratch or sign of discomfort should not send you to the vet or pet store but, it is a mini alarm for you to take note of. For those who have endured eczema, they know it is one of those skin conditions that sends little alarm bells before it becomes unmanageable. It is a skin condition that requires a lot of care not just for you but, also for your pet. And when left neglected could lead to infection. So stop scratching and do something about it!

What are common skin conditions that pets have during the winter?


This skin condition requires patience. For some pets, you may have to skip the shampoo and opt for warm water baths with a touch of coconut oil. Coconut oil is known for its antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties and may alleviate some skin conditions. From fungal or parasitic infections to flaky, dry skin, fleas, mites; conditions that some pets experience during the winter. If your pet has dandruff, harsh shampoos may worsen their condition. It might be best to opt for an oil-cleansing PH balancing alternative. If you are not keen on coconut oil, give Jojoba Oil, another great oil cleanser, a try instead.

Indoor allergies

During colder months, your dogs spend more time indoors where dust mites and mold may be present due to lack of air circulation as a result of closed windows. Be sure to open your windows in the morning and dry wet carpets to prevent mold. Vacuum and clean your pets’ bedding regularly.

Contact dermatitis

The love-hate relationship with skincare products is just as frustrating for you as it is for your pet. If you notice signs of discomfort after using a pet shampoo, for example, this is a sign that it is not working. Ditch the product. When caring for your pet’s skin look for toxin-free brands that do not use harsh solvents or chemicals. Our Treatibles soothing Organic Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil Topical Cream is great for minor skin irritations, joint inflammation management, burns, and scratches. Having pet skin care products on hand is a must for all pet owners.

Winter-proof your pet’s skin

A good rule of thumb, if you would not use it on your delicate skin why is it good enough for your pet? Another culprit for some skin conditions could be the detergent you use to wash your pet’s linens or bedding — simple, gentle ingredients are best.

Be sure to wipe your dog’s paws after walks. or snow booties are a good idea. The salt sprinkled on sidewalks may cause cracked and irritated paws. Apply a soothing cream or balm such as Treatibles Organic Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil Topical Cream to prevent dry paws since frequent cleaning could lead to irritation.

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