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Treatibles #1 Hemp derived oil for pets

Harmony for the whole family ®

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4 Rules your pet wants you to obey on Halloween

If your pet shows fear or stress every time the doorbell rings, please don’t give out candy 

A combination of the piercing doorbell ring and a person standing at the door can upset many pets on a normal day. Now add costumes and groups of children shouting “trick or treat!” Just imagine how confusing and frightening that can be for many of our furry friends. If your dog or cat is the type to run from the door or strangers, perhaps consider leaving out a bucket of candy with a ‘please take one’ sign. This way you will be partaking in the holiday tradition and your pet won’t be jumping out of his/her skin every five minutes.

If you do plan to greet trick-or-treaters, avoid carrying your dog or cat to the door and asking them “guess who that is?”

Perhaps your pet normally enjoys visits from the neighbors. Even so, keep in mind that all of the lights, sounds and smells can be overwhelming. Someone in a costume, face covered and natural scent masked can be quite frightening to even the most well-adjusted cat or dog.

Manage your pet’s anxiety

Even the friendliest dog or most chill cat can become stressed and anxious from the flurry of activity Halloween brings to your door. This is also true if you choose to host a party. A way to keep your pets safe and calm is to choose a room where they can stay behind closed doors until all of the shenanigans are over. Play some soft music or keep a TV on. Provide them with Treatibles chews, chewables, capsules, oil dropper bottles or cream, and mist the air with a flower essence formula like Stress Stopper.

Secure the chocolate

This is serious. Dogs love chocolate and can sniff it out. Some dogs will even eat through bags to get at it. Any candy in your home should be secured. Place in cabinets with closed doors, preferably way up high.
The culprit in chocolate is theobromine, which is extremely toxic to dogs. According to VCA Animal Hospitals:
Toxic doses of theobromine are reported to be as low as 20 mg/kg, where agitation, hyperactivity and gastrointestinal signs (such as drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea – all of which may smell like chocolate) can be seen. At doses > 40 mg/kg, cardiac signs can be seen, and include a racing heart rate, high blood pressure, or even heart arrhythmias. At doses > 60 mg/kg, neurologic signs can be seen, and include tremors, twitching, and even seizures. Fatalities have been seen at around 200 mg/kg (approximately 100 mg/lb), or when complications occur.

Follow these simple rules and your pet will thank you with kisses and snuggles.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!!


Happy pets make happy humans.
That’s why we always strive to provide

Harmony for the whole family
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